105 hours 105 hours: Self-Imposed Routines When it comes to routines, the goal is months and years, not days and weeks. Routines are about what we can consistently do over long periods of time.
105 hours Featured 105 hours: One thing at a time Every time we multitask, at least one of those "tasks" is done on a digital device such as our smartphone, computer, or TV.
105 hours 105 hours: Making time to be alone Solitude is not a luxury; it's a necessary part of life.
105 hours Featured 105 hours: TV is a behavioral drug We use TV for similar reasons we may use alcohol, sweets, and other drugs: for their psychoactive effects.
105 hours 105 hours: No time for TV We're always "behind," like watching TV shows was a task we're failing to accomplish.
105 hours 105 hours: Control computer internet use The idea of commitment devices is to set things up such that we're prevented from doing things we don't want to do
105 hours 105 hours: No smartphone and emergencies We are more concerned about not being available for others than about our own emergencies.
105 hours 105 hours: No time for smartphones We cuff ourselves to the firehose, throw the key away, and then complain of being wet.
105 hours: No time for the internet I use a set of tactics and principles to manage my time. I call it 105 hours. It helps me allocate the 105 hours I have in the week. Today, we spend many of those hours on the internet. But what if we chose not to? A day without the
105 hours 105 hours: Buy your chores time back It's an exchange of money for time. I'm buying my time back.
105 hours 105 hours: Minimize chores Our chores are a consequence of our possessions, both material and virtual.
105 hours 105 hours: Time Independence Time Independence is financial independence applied to time: investments in different areas eliminate one's need to spend time to live.
105 hours 105 hours: Track time at work You may indeed work 50, 60, or 70 hours a week. But if you don't track it on a time diary, it's also very likely your belief is incorrect.
105 hours 105 hours: Total work hours No, the crux is that how many free days we take in the year must factor into our definition of how much we are working – and it often doesn't.
105 hours 105 hours: Define work hours I'm not one of those people who are working "all the time." When I'm working, I'm working. When I'm not, I'm not. I'm never kinda working.
105 hours 105 hours: Allocate time for work It's not that we don't know how well we're doing against the plan; we don't even know what the plan is!
105 hours 105 hours: 5 hours minimum for exercise When it comes to exercise, Twice the amount of time for the exercise must be allocated in the day. Running 30 minutes a day takes me 1 hour a day.
105 hours Featured 105 hours: Sleep dilemmas Sleeping less and waking up at the same time tomorrow or sleeping the necessary amount and starting the next day late
105 hours 105 hours: 9 hours a day for sleep The challenge with sleep is not how to wake up at the right time every day; it's sleeping at the right time every day.
Identity Augmentation I call this identity augmentation: how our identities are changed in different ways by the medium through which they are expressed.
philosophy Featured Being rich and powerful is a bad (modern) life goal The researchers watched the person's behavior without accounting for the choices they had. And you know who has a lot of choices? Powerful people.
philosophy Long-Distance Gardening Like the calories in a diet, every day we consume about 100,000 words with our minds. We ingest the equivalent of a book per day.
digital life Can you turn on Airplane Mode during lunch? Having our phones handy when we don't want it to distract us is like keeping a bowl of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies when we intend to eat radishes.
digital life Turning off my phone (just for a bit) To really put the phone to sleep, we have to turn it off.
philosophy Being happy is a bad (modern) life goal Emotional delusions: Emotions we feel by interacting with modern human-made inventions.