Vacation and starting a dialogue

So on my vacation, besides reading a lot, I plan to reflect on how to expand my audience while staying authentic. I'd love to hear from you.

Vacation and starting a dialogue
Photo by Lopez Robin / Unsplash

Dear reader,

There's no new article this week – I'm on vacation.

But don't worry, I'm not leaving you without something to think about.

Instead, let's switch roles a bit this week.

Let me hear from you

I'm trying out something new: Email Replies.

Your replies to these emails will now land directly in my inbox.

Yes, you've read it right! You can now hit 'reply' and share with me your thoughts, suggestions, or even how you're spending the holidays.

Did my article resonate? Did it not work? Do you have suggestions? Do you just want to share how you're spending your weekend?

I'm all ears.

Need help figuring out what to talk to me about? Then let me tell you about the problem I'm working on.

Expanding my audience

Many of you, my dear readers, have encouraged me to expand my writing's reach and explore other media beyond writing.

I appreciate your support and constructive suggestions.

Thank you.

So on my vacation, besides reading a lot (including some hidden books I'm taking with me that my wife is yet to discover – Hi Honey!), I plan to reflect on how to expand my audience while staying authentic.

While already a challenging obstacle for many others who are more competent and accomplished than I am, I also don't use the internet, social networks, or a smartphone.

It's a hard problem.

Impact: It's about "the books on your desk"

Since you are listening to me talk about my problems, let me elaborate: I don't really care about how big my audience is.

I care about how significant my impact is.

When talking to a mentee today about impact, I asked, "afterall, how many more books do you have on top of your desk right now vs before we met?" and he replied with a face that said both "Yes, exactly!" and "Probably too many."

That's the type of impact I'm looking for! Well, not books; the change.

That's what I want to do more of.

So let's turn this monologue into a dialogue!

I'd love to hear from you. Be it about how we can better solve your or my problems, other people's problems, or anything in between.

Or tell me about your weekend plans, or how your life is going.

Enjoy the holidays and I'll talk to you soon,