self-discipline Featured Overcoming anxiety with self-efficacy Your anxiety decreases at the rate your mastery increases.
105 hours 120% time – committing 8 hours a week 400 hours is enough to make progress on pretty much anything: learning AI, building your MVP product, learning the guitar, writing 100 blogposts, reading ~70 books, ...
philosophy Featured Rethinking Mill's harm clause under Capitalism and AI How should you, as an individual, change your day-to-day economic interactions with others based on the harm clause and their lack of access to basic needs?
self-discipline Featured Lives Well Lived podcast I was on the Lives Well Lived podcast with Peter Singer & Kasia de Lazari Radek
leadership A fun, good, nice job No matter what brackets you define for your A, B, and Cs to rate how fun, good, and nice the jobs are, not every job, in every career, will have the potential to be an AAA.
ai Featured How does ChatGPT work? I think part of the reason ChatGPT is hard to understand is that we lack the foundational concepts to build upon when reasoning about it.
philosophy Featured Religion, Politics, and Moral Philosophy Each of us will have our own guides for moral truth: our religion and preachers, our politics and politicians, our favorite philosophy and philosophers, and our own ideas and feelings on what is right and wrong
self-discipline Knowledge, Practice, Trial and Performance One thing is certain: performing 100% of the time and not employing knowledge, practice, or trials is not an efficient way to improve your competencies
leadership Using core values as constraints While values that maximize success seem like a playing-to-win tactic, values that constrain possible moves seem like a scrub tactic. But of course, they're the same set of values.
leadership Featured The 4 downsides of Slack communication vs meetings While Alice had a "quick question," Bob absolutely didn't have a "quick answer" – a typical Slack affliction.
leadership Using skill-pressure to build competencies Skill-pressure is a common thing, it just doesn't have a well-known name.
leadership 3 Steps for long term career planning If you don't plan your long-term career, you'll still have a long-term career, just not the one you planned.
philosophy Featured Universal Excellence – Pursue excellence in everything you choose to do The gaps in our lives are filled between our current state and our potential.
philosophy Stories are the brain's programming language I think the most important reason for reading fiction is it's one of the best methods available for deliberately updating our own values
philosophy Exploring the morality of actions when removing money's influence Would we morally judge this exact action differently if there was no money involved?
self-discipline Featured High expectations and high slopes of growth If we want to increase our growth the most over time, which characteristic will create the growth of the others?
leadership How to build a department To build groups, you must be able to perform roles, hire, and then give those roles away.
leadership Leader, Manager and Expert – The 3 Startup Roles It's essential to evaluate your role to ensure you're contributing at the highest level to the company and being assessed correctly, given your primary role.
self-discipline What are your gaps? Developing high standards through scorecards It's obvious, but often ignored, that to pursue high standards, you must have standards that are actually high.
meta International Women Month Book Recommendations Since March is International Women's Month, I'd like to recommend five books either by women authors or biographies about women.
philosophy How we choose: Do we have free will? Our motivations are affected by how dopamine and other neurotransmitters affect our brain, and those, in turn, are affected by our surroundings and previous behavior.
philosophy Are you a different person when you speak a different language? If our thoughts depend on the symbols they manipulate, and those symbols are linguistic in nature, then linguistic richness and poverty would likely imply the same for thought.
philosophy How free am I? Understanding agency and rights Our agency, rights, obligations and prohibitions are contextual to our current situation.
philosophy When we say "Find meaning in life," what do we mean exactly? I think most of our difficulty trying to find meaning in life is a difficulty in finding our top values.
philosophy On feeling strongly about uncertain moral truths After much reading and talking to ethics experts, my conclusion is that we know close to the same as we did when we started 2,500 years ago: very little.